From my latest Forbes post on the sudden but momentous political progress women in film have made this month:
“These last two weeks have been the most important moments in the fight for gender equality in Hollywood in the seven-plus years that I have been working on this issue. The only other moment that comes close is Kathryn Bigelow winning the Oscar for Best Director in 2010.
Despite how it may look from the outside, these last two weeks did not happen overnight. This is the culmination of a decades-long struggle by several generations of women who have had to fight for no more than the right to tell their stories and share their visions.
While I am cautious to applaud that change is coming, anyone who has been a part of this battle — and yes, it is a battle because there is a lot of power and money at stake — has to be heartened by the media crescendo on behalf of women in the last couple of weeks.”
Read more at Forbes.