An actress using the pseudonym Miss L has launched a project targeting sexist casting calls and exposing the pressure she and her female colleagues face to appear in nude scenes.
Miss L has chosen to keep her identity a secret to protect her acting career.
In an interview with MTV, the anonymous blogger stated, “You’ll have a casting where there are three male characters who all conveniently keep their clothes on, and then there’s one woman who is generally younger, described in terms of her looks rather than what job she does, and also happens to be naked for most of the film. That’s what seems to be the most common thing I come across — women expected to be young, attractive and naked.”
To help raise awareness about the unfair disadvantages actresses face — fewer roles than their male counterparts, and less interesting, more sexualized ones — Miss L created Casting Call Woe, a Tumblr account that collects and shares especially demoralizing casting calls in Hollywood, as well as tweets and experiences from affronted actresses.
“The casting directors and producers and filmmakers that follow me generally are the ones that are doing the right thing, because they’re aware of how ridiculous it is themselves. They’re just as aware of the people in their profession doing it wrong and bringing their name down. But it’s been interesting, speaking to them and seeing it from their side,” shared Miss L.
We wish we lived in a world where the casting calls Miss L is describing didn’t exist — or at least a world where publicly acknowledging sexism as a problem wouldn’t potentially damage your career — but we understand why Miss L has chosen to remain anonymous, and are inspired by her efforts to draw attention to this issue.
Here are some of the worst offenders on Casting Call Woe:
“She might not be the most beautiful girl in the room, like only a 7 on the typical hotness scale.”
“Her scene will include being screamed at by a clown and being gagged briefly.”
“She needs a full bosom. Large breasts are somewhat essential for a few bouncy scenes.”
“We are looking for an actress to play a dead, naked body.”
“There’s something unnerving about her. Maybe she’s just read too many books.”
“Prefer an actor who is not thin! It’s a great role for a feminist!”
“Payment: Smiles.”
[via Movie Pilot]