Today’s New York Times profile of Tina Fey and Amy Poehler is full of wonderful details: Poehler’s nickname for Fey is “Betty,” the duo have ruled out hosting the Oscars and even they hope that Fey’s two daughters and Poehler’s two sons get married.
What comes through most of all, though, is their blissfully feminist friendship — a sensibility they help carry over into their projects.
“When we choose projects, we do have our own internal Bechdel test,” affirmed Fey. About their upcoming film “Sisters,” which they produced, Fey said, “These are women who are in conflict, but they’re not in competition. And it is about shaking off roles that they were given early in life that they now grew out of. Whether overtly in the story or not, we definitely are always looking at things that feel true to us.”
“There’s an underlying theme, if you will, about a sense of agency,” added Poehler. That theme is: “You can create your own spark. And if you have another woman to support you… you can be very, very powerful.”
Written by Paula Pell, “Sisters” opens December 18.
[via NY Times]