List of Databases for Women in the Film Industry

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A-Doc — Asian American Documentary Network. A-Doc is a national network that works to increase the visibility and support of Asian Americans in the documentary field. Features a film database, and a crew database.

Akuarel — A database people of color and individuals from marginalized communities can use to find employment in creative industries.

The Alice Initiative — A group of studio executives and producers who want to see more female directors at the helm of studio films. Features a curated list of women filmmakers, as well as annual lists of women directors who deserve to work on studio projects. Named after the first woman director, Alice Guy-Blaché.

Alliance for Women Film Composers — A directory of female composers working in film, television, video games, and media.

The Amplify Database — With more than 800 television writers of color, the database’s aim is to help industry leaders find diverse voices to staff their shows. Note: Registration is required.

AMPS Members’ Directory — Searchable database containing information on those Association of Motion Picture Sound (AMPS) members who wish to publish their details.

Brown Girls Doc Mafia — 232+ women/non-binary members of Brown Girls Doc Mafia who are ready, willing, and able to join productions right now.

Cinefemme —  Provides fiscal sponsorship, real project support, mentorship, community, and other programs empowering female-identified and non-binary filmmakers, artists, and key creatives. Features lists of members and sponsored filmmakers.

CINEMATOGRAPHERS XX — A group of professional cinematographers whose work spreads across narrative, documentary, commercial, and music video genres.

Critical — From Time’s Up, this tool’s goal is to increase access for underrepresented critics and entertainment reporters.

The Director List — A database of female directors who have helmed at least one feature film, an episode of television, a national commercial, or has extensive music video experience.

Diverse Representation — A comprehensive list of African-American sports and entertainment agents, attorneys, managers, and publicists.

The EQL Directory — A database amplifying the careers and achievements of women working behind-the-scenes in audio and production.

Film Fatales — An inclusive community of women feature film and television directors who meet regularly to share resources, collaborate on projects, and build an environment in which to make their films. Includes database of 500+ affiliated female directors.

Film Powered — A networking and skill sharing tool for professional women in the film industry. Offers classes, social events, job postings, and a searchable member directory. Film Powered members include Executives, Talent, Above the Line, Heads of Departments, and Crew from script through exhibition.

Free the Bid —  A non-profit initiative advocating on behalf of women directors for equal opportunities to bid on commercial jobs in the global advertising industry. Includes databases for women directors, women editors, and women DPs.

The JTC List — A Google doc of WOC who work in the film industry. Provides updates on careers, achievements, and plain and simple badassery of WOC in Hollywood (and beyond).

Latinx Directors — A database that showcases the community of talented Latinx directors who have the experience and are ready to direct. Bridges studios and agencies with Latinx directors in the simplest way possible with a full, searchable website that includes film, TV, and commercial filmmakers.

Mandy — A community of and job platform for actors, film, TV, and theatre professionals, voice over artists, extras, dancers, singers, musicians, and child actors.

NYC Women Filmmakers — Champions inclusion in Film, TV, and Media by connecting underrepresented creators with influential networks, valuable resources, and career-changing opportunities to impact meaningful change in the industry.

Rotten Apples — A searchable reference tool that informs users whether a given movie or TV show is associated with anyone accused of sexual misconduct.

The Topple List — A living Google spreadsheet of women, LGBTQ+ folks, people of color, disabled individuals, and “historically otherwise otherized” writers, filmmakers, and assistants.

Women In Media Crew List — Search and find women crew members in a variety of roles. The list features profiles of each member, with information such as title, work details, and IMDb links.

Women Independent Producers — WIP is an elite network of women producers based in New York City that supports, collaborates, and promotes the work of its members. Its goal is to elevate the careers of our members, end the gender gap in Hollywood, and get more female driven projects financed and distributed.


WIDC Alumnae Directory — Includes profiles of more than 200 Canadian women directors who have attended Women In the Director’s Chair (WIDC) programs.


BOOTH — A network of women in the UK film industry. Includes a curated video channel of members’ work.

illuminatrix — A collective of female cinematographers based in the UK and working internationally. Each member has at least five years’ worth of professional experience as a Director of Photography.


WFT.I Member Database — List of Women in Film and Television Ireland (WFT.I) members. WFT.I. promotes greater representation of women on screen and behind the camera, with the aim of ensuring the Irish film and television industry functions as a meritocratic, sustainable, and successful force into the future.


The ICFC — The International Collective of Female Cinematographers is a group of professional female cinematographers from around the US and the world, who provide each other with community support and industry advocacy. Use the Members Gallery to find specific women DPs, their work, and their contact info.

Primetime — A database of women working above and below the line in the entertainment industry.

WIA Talent Database — A database designed to increase the visibility of the vast, multi-faceted, and international pool of underrepresented talent. Women, trans, and non-binary candidates in the animation industry can add themselves to the database to be verified and that information will be available and presented to studios across the industry. Employers will be able to filter the database based on a number of animation-specific hiring factors.

Wscripted. — An inclusive literary talent discovery platform for women storytellers and decision makers to develop content written by women.

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