Festivals That Have Committed to the Gender Parity Pledge

Women and Hollywood is keeping a running list of the film festivals that have signed, or plan to sign, the 5050×2020 Pledge. Created by 5050×2020 — an offshoot of Le Deuxième Regard that launched after the Harvey Weinstein exposés hit — the Pledge strives for better gender representation and transparency by the year 2020. It was first introduced at the Cannes Film Festival in 2018, following the march up the red carpet by women from across the world.

By taking the Pledge, festival signatories promise to do the following:

1. Compile statistics of gender and race of the directors of all the films submitted to selection, and when applicable, to also compile all members of the cast and crew mentioned in the registration process of the film.

2. Make public the gender and race of all the members of selection committees and programmers as well as all programming consultants.

3. Make public the gender and race of executive boards and/or boards of directors and to commit to a schedule to achieve parity in these bodies.

(This is the language being used for the pledge in North America. We support inclusive language, but several countries have prohibitions on numerical analysis regarding race. There have been individual negotiations regarding what is legal in each country and the text has been adjusted accordingly.)

Per the agreement, signatories will also provide 5050×2020 an update six months after taking the Pledge, and announce the progress they’ve made at their next festival.

Here are the festivals that have signed or have committed to signing:

Cannes Film Festival

Annecy International Animation Film Festival

Locarno International Film Festival

Sarajevo Film Festival

Venice Film Festival

Toronto Film Festival

La Rochelle Film Festival

LA Film Festival

Hamptons Film Festival

Mill Valley Film Festival

International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam

San Sebastian Film Festival

Gdynia Film Festival

Rome Film Festival

Winter Film Awards International Film Festival

Stockholm International Film Festival

Oxford Film Festival

Mar del Plata

Turin Film Festival

Les Arcs Film Festival


Goteborg Film Festival

Indy Shorts International Film Festival

Heartland International Film Festival

Namur IFF

Berlin Film Festival

London Film Festival

Angers Premiers Plans

Clermont Ferrand International Short Films Festival

Over The Rhine International Film Festival

Visions du Reel

Franklin International Independent Film Festival

Cyprus International Film Festival

Bridges International Film Festival

Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival (NIFFF)

Animation Dingle

Cork Film Festival

Dublin Feminist Film Festival

Galway Film Fleadh

GAZE LGBT Film Festival

Kerry Film Festival

Still Voices Short Film Festival

Virgin Media Dublin International Film Festival

Carl International Film Festival


Oslo Pix

Tampere Film Festival

Northern Wave Film Festival

Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival

Durban International Film Festival

Zurich Film Festival

Helsinki International Film Festival

International Adana Golden Boll Film Festival

Mons IFF

Altın Portakal Film Festival

!f Istanbul International Film Festival

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