Sexism Watch: New NASCAR Show Title

There are not many days when I open an email and read the title of a potential TV show and do a double take. That happened to me yesterday when I opened my daily email from the folks at Vulture to read this headline: “Starz May Order a Female-Led NASCAR Pilot Called Tits in the Pits.”

Tits in the Pits. Wow. Have we sunk to a new low? This past year there were two network shows with the word bitch in the title but those titles won’t make it to the air on network TV.

But Starz is different. It’s cable. They don’t have to deal with the same standards as the broadcast networks.

According to Vulture the show is:

drama set in the present day follows the jilted wife of a legendary driver who seeks revenge by courting sponsors from Madison Avenue and building her own NASCAR team from scratch.

Of course a show with that title would have a female lead. The best way to mitigate sexism is to put a female lead in the show and say how can it be sexist id there is a female lead. Maybe the show won’t be sexist but the title sure is. And I like shows with female leads but if you want my TV watching eye to give this one a chance, CHANGE THE TITLE!

The title comes from the sexist standard set by the guys who work in Nascar in wanting to keep women out of their business by saying I would guess, on a regular basis, that they don’t want no tits in the pits. We get it. No girls allowed. So mature. Great industry.

The dudes behind Friend with Benefits, Keith Merryman and David A. Newman, are the geniuses behind this show.

Starz May Order a Female-Led NASCAR Pilot Called Tits in the Pits (Vulture)

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