#Anita Sarkeesian
Congresswoman Tells Federal Government to Investigate Social-Media Abuse
Back in March of this year, feminist blogger and critic Anita Sarkeesian stated, “I’m angry that I’m expected to accept online harassment as the price of being a woman with an opinion.” The...
Ashley Judd and New SXSW Doc ‘GTFO’ Battle Misogynistic Trolls
Warning: This post contains graphic language about sexual violence. Ashley Judd is firing back against misogyny in the Twittersphere. In a brave and revealing essay for Identities.Mic, the...
Watch: Anita Sarkeesian Explains GamerGate on ‘Colbert,’ Brianna Wu Announces Legal Fund for Female Victims
The necessary fight against GamerGate continues, with critic Anita Sarkeesian making one of her most prominent media appearances yet and game developer Brianna Wu announcing her intentions to start...
GamerGate: A War on Women Hiding Behind a Mask of “Ethics”
Being a woman in the gaming community is scary. For pointing out demeaning stereotypes of female characterswithin video games in a series of YouTube videos, feminist cultural critic AnitaSarkeesian...
Watch This: Anita Sarkeessian Posts Brilliant New Video about the “Ms. Male Character”
True Canadian-American Hero Anita Sarkeesian delivers another whip-smart, nuanced, and necessary critique of sexism in the gaming industry, this time about a trope she calls the “Ms. Male...