Alison Star Locke began her writing career as a story producer for reality TV and has written, directed, and produced numerous shorts. Her favorite, “Shhhhhhh…,” was laureled-up by the Los...
“If it’s not revenge, what would you want?“ Anna Gunn is asked in a new trailer for Alison Star Locke’s first feature, “The Apology.” Penned by Locke, the horror pic stars the...
Films, News, Trailers, Women Directors
Anna Gunn (“Breaking Bad”) is demanding equality in a male-dominated field. “Equity,” directed by Meera Menon (“Farrah Goes Bang”), dives into the investment banking’s...
News, Trailers, Women Directors
Anna Gunn starred as Skyler White on the hit AMC series “Breaking Bad” for the show’s entire run and was on the receiving end of a lot of sexist criticism for the role. The barrage of death...
Meera Menon’s banker drama “Equity” has been picked up by Sony Pictures Classics. The deal took place on the day before the film’s world premiere at Sundance 2016. “Breaking Bad”...
Features, Interviews, News
Meera Menon was recently selected to be a fellow at 20th Century Fox’s Global Directors initiative. Her directorial debut, “Farrah Goes Bang.” premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival, where she...
Features, News, Television
In the lead-up to the final half-season of Breaking Bad, AMC’s much-admired show about an Albuquerque chemistry teacher who began cooking and selling methamphetamine when he received a cancer...
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