Javicia Leslie is heading to Gotham City. The “God Friended Me” actress has been named as the new lead of “Batwoman” following Ruby Rose’s exit from the CW series. A...
Picks of the Week offers Women and Hollywood’s top recommendations — women-driven and women-made movies, series, VOD releases, and more — and tells you why they are worth your time and...
Fans of “Supergirl,” “Riverdale,” and other CW titles, take note: the network has dropped sneak peaks of your future TV obsessions. You can now watch footage from Ruby...
The CW has ordered three women-driven series for its 2019-2020 season. Variety confirms the network picked up the Ruby Rose-led “Batwoman,” “Riverdale” spinoff “Katy Keene,” and...
The CW’s DC Universe is getting more and more inclusive. As The Hollywood Reporter writes, Ruby Rose will take on the role of superheroine Batwoman (aka Kate Kane), an out lesbian, in the...
Batwoman is on the prowl. A series about the famed DC vigilante is in the works at The CW, The Hollywood Reporter confirms. The character will make her debut in December as part of The CW’s...
Even though Batwoman has proposed to long-time partner Maggie Sawyer twice, DC refused to allow the pair to finally marry in the comic in an upcoming issue. The writers behind Batwoman J.H. Williams...
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