#Catherine Breillat 3

Interviews, News

‘Abuse of Weakness’ Director Catherine Breillat on How to Blackmail Isabelle Huppert Into Starring in Your Film

With her latest project, French auteur Catherine Breillat follows up brilliantly on her last two fairy-tale films, Bluebeard (2009) and The Sleeping Beauty (2010). The semi-autobiographical Abuse of...

Features, Films, News

August 2014 Film Preview

The summer blockbuster movie season may be winding to an end, but the multiplexes offer a refreshingly diverse selection of films by and about women for August. The month blasts off (literally) with...

News, Women Directors

Catherine Breillat to Make First English-Language Film

After making the most autobiographical film of her career in Abuse of Weakness, in which she recreated her own victimization by a con artist after a stroke, director Catherine Breillat will veer in...

Interviews, News

SFIFF Women Directors: Meet Catherine Breillat (Abuse of Weakness)

Beginning in 2004, filmmaker/novelist Catherine Breillat had a series of debilitating strokes connected to a previously undiagnosed cerebrovascular disease. During her long, grueling recovery, she...

Interviews, News

Talking Catherine Breillat, Claire Denis, Agnieszka Holland, and agnès b on the Eve of the NYFF

On the eve of the NYFF, Director of Programming and Selection Committee Chair Kent Jones and I spoke about three extraordinary filmmakers — Catherine Breillat, Claire Denis, Agnieszka Holland...


TIFF 13 Departure Thoughts

As I get ready to make my departure from Toronto after a whirlwind week there are a couple of things to mention as the festival winds down. First, even though there were a great many women directed...


TIFF 13- Dispatch 1: Mid-Life Women in Crisis

Ed. Note: There are spoilers for some of the films reviewed. This is my third Toronto Film Festival and I am starting to understand how to manage it.  It is an endurance test.  You need...


2013 BFI London Film Festival Unveils Full Lineup

The programme for the 2013 BFI London Film Festival has been announced to great fanfare in Leicester Square. When it comes to women filmmakers, the news is as usual a bit scarce, but there...

News, Women Directors

Guest Review: The Sleeping Beauty — directed by Catherine Breillat by Emilie Spiegel

There was no way I wasn’t going to love Catherine Breillat’s latest film, The Sleeping Beauty (La belle endormie). It covers all my bases: female-centric (check), arty and lusciously imagined...

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