Chelsea Peretti is making her directorial debut with the cheekily-titled “First Time Female Director.” The “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” alumna and two-time WGA nominee has wrapped...
“Spinster” is not a subtle film — again, its title is “Spinster.” The pic, from director Andrea Dorfman and writer Jennifer Deyell, features a few clunky conversations...
“Why should I have to defend my life to a table of strangers?” asks Chelsea Peretti in a new trailer for Andrea Dorfman’s “Spinster.” Nearing her 40th birthday and...
Vertical Entertainment has acquired U.S. and U.K. rights to Andrea Dorfman’s latest, Variety reports. The comedy made its U.S. premiere at the Miami Film Festival...
Chelsea Peretti is teaming up with another woman director. The “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” actress just wrapped shooting on Nicol Paone’s “Friendsgiving,” and now she’s...
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