CBS’ comedy pilot based on Sarah Cooper’s “How to Be Successful Without Hurting Men’s Feelings” has found its cast. Natalie Morales, Amy Landecker, and Alice Lee will...
Sarah Cooper’s star continues to ascend. The TikTok sensation recently lined up her first comedy special with Netflix and now word comes that she’s developing a comedy series at CBS...
“What kind of son forgets Mother’s Day?” A trio of friends are left discussing this very question when their sons forget the holiday. Patricia Arquette, Angela Bassett, and Felicity...
Cindy Chupack, the two-time Emmy-winning writer for Sex and the City and Modern Family, will make her feature directorial debut with the mom com Whatever Makes You Happy. Susan Sarandon and Allison...
Here’s a news round up of some of the most notable television and film news from the past couple days. Modern Family’s Sarah Hyland is going to star in and produce the indie...
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