Three female-led comedies from women have received pilot orders in recent days. We’re one step closer to seeing Patricia Heaton-starrer “Carol’s Second Act,” an untitled...
Elizabeth Banks and Max Handelman’s Brownstone Productions is carrying quite the slate lately — but that isn’t stopping the duo from taking on even more projects. Deadline reports...
The team behind the Amazon pilot “Good Girls Revolt,” about a group of female journalists who demand equal pay and opportunity at a prominent magazine at the dawn of the women’s movement, has...
News, Television
If there’s anyone out there who can mine humor from addiction recovery, it might well be Jodie Foster and Darlene Hunt. Foster helmed the tonally challenging psychosis dramedy “The Beaver”...
The truly challenging thing after a breakup isn’t staying friends with your ex. It’s making friends with your ex’s new lover. But what if it wasn’t so hard? That’s the premise that Angela...
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