#Eve Ensler
Flying Headscarves, Trans Dating, and Plus-Size Models: Crowdfunding Projects of August 2015
The dating lives of transgender women. An Arab-American girl searching forfreedom on her motorcycle. Plus-size models rebelling against size-zero tyranny.If you want to see films about women defying...
BY Women and HollywoodAugust 24, 2015Eve Ensler Producing Web Series Starring and Written by Trans Woman About Dating
The new web series “Her Story” features playwright Eve Ensler (“The Vagina Monologues”) as a producer and trans activist Jen Richards as its star and co-writer. Richards has penned the...
BY Women and HollywoodAugust 6, 2015‘Mad Max: Fury Road’s’ Unexpected Secret Weapon: Eve Ensler
As its title suggests, the highly anticipated “Mad Max: Fury Road” centers on one angry dude (played by Tom Hardy). But the sequel to the 1979 Mel Gibson vehicle boasts not only a presumed...
BY Women and HollywoodMay 5, 2015Sundance’s Women in Film Event Calls Out Hollywood Sexism, Awards $32k in Grants
There was apparently one running theme at the eighth Women in Film panel hosted by the Sundance Film Festival: entrenched industry sexism. Six women directors and producers, representing five...
BY Women and HollywoodJanuary 20, 2014Emotional Creature Celebrates Girls Lives
There have been so few shows and events that truly reveal what it is like to be a girl that when you see truth – the good and the bad – you immediately know that you are seeing something...
BY Women and HollywoodNovember 20, 2012Eve Ensler to Make Directing Debut With The Other Side Starring Jane Fonda
Vagina Monologue writer and V-Day activist Eve Ensler will be making her directorial debut on The Other Side a film that will also focus on the epidemic of rape in the Congo. In the...
BY Women and HollywoodMay 17, 2011