#Female Ensembles
Suffragettes, Action Heroines, and BDSM: Most Anticipated Films By and About Women in 2015
Our 2014 end-of-year coverage highlighted the good and the bad for women and Hollywood in 2014. As we usher in a new year, let’s focus on some of the exciting female-centric films that await us in...
Leslie Mann Becomes a Movie Star: The Supporting Actress is A Leading Lady in Las Madres
Leslie Mann is finally being given the chance to lead a movie. The talented and funny actress won’t be “The Wife” or “The Friend” in Las Madres, a new comedy from...
The Big O: Will the Academy’s Love of Female Ensembles Help August: Osage County?
What is almost over but has only just begun? The seeminglyendless race for the Oscars, of course. With the Golden Globes ceremony onSunday and Academy Award nominations being announced next...
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