As the constitutional right to abortion in the U.S. lies on the chopping block, New York’s Metrograph is hosting a film series exploring the topic and its role in American life. (Spoiler alert:...
“Congratulations to those men,” said Issa Rae after announcing the 2020 Oscar nominees for Best Director on a live telecast. The “Insecure” co-creator and star was emphasizing...
ARRAY Alliance, Ava DuVernay’s nonprofit film collective, has been releasing films about and by women and people of color since 2010 — Heidi Saman’s “Namour,” Lisa France’s...
Women accounted for just four percent of cinematographers working on the 250 top-grossing films of 2017. As depressing as that number is, it’s important to note that one of those films was...
The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) is working toward “a brighter, more inclusive future in which cinema can more accurately reflect the world around us,” according to a press release. With...
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