#Hasidic Judaism
Drama Series About Trans Activist Abby Stein in Development
Abby Stein’s journey is on its way to the small screen. According to Variety, production and financing company Fugitive has acquired the international distribution rights to “Abby,”...
Pick of the Day: “Unorthodox”
Women and Hollywood has temporarily suspended our recommendations newsletter. We’ll be sharing some of the week’s highlights in TV, VOD, and streaming via blog posts. Netflix’s...
Trailer Watch: A Young Woman Leaves Her Hasidic Jewish Community in “Unorthodox”
Esty (Shira Hass, “Broken Mirrors”) refuses to call her Hasidic Jewish community a prison in the trailer for “Unorthodox,” Netflix’s upcoming original series. After all,...
TIFF 2017 Women Directors: Meet Rachel Grady — “One of Us”
Rachel Grady is a filmmaker and co-owns New York’s Loki Films with Heidi Ewing. She and Ewing have have directed six feature-length films, including “Jesus Camp,” “The Boys of Baraka,”...
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