#High Fidelity
Cinematographer to Watch: Carmen Cabana of “Vida” and “High Fidelity”
Cinematographer Carmen Cabana’s reel is a varied trove of genres and forms that are all linked by an ability to visualize emotion on scales both intimate and magnificent. Her camera operation and...
Trailer Watch: Zoë Kravitz Revisits Her Past Heartbreaks and Talks Music in “High Fidelity”
“High Fidelity” is coming to the small screen. Unlike Nick Hornby’s 1995 novel and the 2000 film starring John Cusack, Hulu’s take on the story features a female protagonist. Zoë...
Zoë Kravitz to Topline Gender-Flipped “High Fidelity” Series
Zoë Kravitz will soon be making Top Five lists and tracking down her ex-lovers. Variety reports the “Big Little Lies” actress has been tapped to star in the gender-swapped series...
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