Laura Bispuri’s first film, “Sworn Virgin,” was presented in Competition at the Berlinale and received the Nora Ephron Prize at Tribeca Film Festival, the Firebird Award at Hong...
A 10-year-old girl is torn between two mothers in a newly released trailer for “Daughter of Mine,” Laura Bispuri’s follow-up to her award-winning debut, “Sworn...
Features, Festivals, Interviews, News
Laura Bispuri’s 2010 short film “Passing Time” won Italy’s David di Donatello Award. “Sworn Virgin” is her first feature film. (Variety) “Sworn Virgin” will premiere at the 2015 BFI...
Features, Interviews, News
Laura Bispuri was an attendee of the Fandango Lab Workshop. She won the David Donatello Award (Italian Oscars) for Best Short Film in 2010 with “Passing Time.” “Sworn Virgin” is her first...
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