#Liz Garbus 2

Documentary, News, Videos

Trailer Watch: Anderson Cooper and Gloria Vanderbilt Leave ‘Nothing Left Unsaid’

CNN anchor Anderson Cooper has made a name for himself outside of his famous Vanderbilt family, but now his relationship with his socialite mother, Gloria Vanderbilt, is being explored in Liz...

Awards, Documentary, News

Documentarian Liz Garbus in Talks to Direct Her First Narrative Feature

Fresh off of the Academy Awards, where she was nominated for Best Documentary Feature for “What Happened, Miss Simone?” director Liz Garbus may soon make the switch to narrative film...

Interviews, News, Podcast

Listen: Women and Hollywood Podcast #14: Liz Garbus on Nina Simone’s Dreams, Talent and Popularity


Documentary, News, Television, Videos

Trailer Watch: Nina Simone is “as Fragile as She is Strong” in ‘What Happened, Miss Simone?’

Festivals, News, Women Directors

16% of Berlinale 2015’s Films in Competition Directed by Women

Of the 19 films that will compete for the Golden and Silver Bears at the Berlin International Film Festival this year, only 3 will be directed by women, comprising a scanty 16% of the Berlinale’s...

Documentary, Festivals, Interviews, News

Sundance Women Directors: Meet Liz Garbus — ‘What Happened, Miss Simone?​’

Academy Award-nominated director/producer Liz Garbus co-founded Moxie Firecracker, Inc., an independent documentary production company, with filmmaker Rory Kennedy in 1998. Her directorial credits...

News, Videos

Hamptons Film Festival: Catching Up With the Very Busy Producer Amy Hobby

Apologies for the background noise. Gayby opens in NY this Friday. Making a Comedy About Friends Making Babies (NY Times)

News, Women Directors

Interview with Liz Garbus, Director of Bobby Fischer Against the World

Liz Garbus is a prolific documentarian. Her latest film, Bobby Fischer Against the World which premiered at Sundance is a fascinating look at chess champion Bobby Fischer and all his demons, will...

News, Women Directors

HBO To Screen Many Docs by Women This Summer

HBO announced their summer documentary lineup and there are many great looking women directed films — two from Liz Garbus — and others including one about Gloria Steinem directed by men....

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