After two decades in the British animation industry, Mina Mileva created Activist38 with actress Vesela Kazakova, whose leading roles earned her the Silver George at the Moscow International Film...
Animation gives storytellers the liberty to dream and mythologize without restriction, to turn fanciful reveries into alternative realities of experience, human or otherwise. The medium indulges the...
“When half the mental health clinics in Chicago closed, the jail population exploded,” director Margaret Byrne informs us in an exclusive trailer for “Any Given Day,” her...
Self-perception is a two-way mirror. Self-perception is how we see ourselves: all our ambitions, all our anxieties reflected plainly in the looking glass. Self-perception is also how the person on...
Marie Grahtø graduated from the independent film school Super16 in 2014. She has travelled to festivals around the world with her short films “Daimi” (2012) and “Yolo”...
The family unit is one of the foundational aspects of our society, so it’s no surprise that familial relationships are constantly explored in movies, books, and television. In some cases, family...
“Nobody knows more about what that medicine does to me than I do,” psychiatric facility patient Eleanor Riese (Helena Bonham Carter) informs her lawyer, Colette Hughes, about her...
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