#Miley Cyrus
Trailer Watch: Sofia Coppola Directs Star-Studded Netflix Musical-Comedy ‘A Very Murray Christmas’
Sofia Coppola and Bill Murray are reuniting for the first time since 2003’s “Lost in Translation” in an unexpected format: a Christmas special for Netflix. While Coppola’s films consistently...
Rashida Jones Speaks Out Against the “Pornification” of the Music Industry
Near nudity is the new normal. The race to the skimpiest bottoms among female pop stars (and video vixens in the background) arguably began in the eighties, when Madonna writhed around on a MTV VMA...
Miley Cyrus Cuts Hair and the World Thinks She’s Gone Crazy
What is it about young Hollywood women and their hair? A couple of years ago I wrote a piece about the reaction to Emma Watson’s haircut that got page views for months and months. People were...
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