#Mimi Leder 2
Quote of the Day: Mimi Leder: In Filmmaking, “It’s Mostly Males Hiring, and They Mostly Hire Males”
In 1998, “Deep Impact” left a serious impression at the box office, earning nearly $350 million dollars on an estimated $80 million budget. But we haven’t seen much of its director Mimi...
Seeking Our Story: Directing the Summer Blockbuster: Mimi Leder’s DEEP IMPACT
Seeking Our Story iscelebrating the summer with Mimi Leder’s blockbuster “Deep Impact.” Leder (b. 1952) grew up in New York City witha mother, Etyl Leder, who played classical piano, and a...
Guest Post: Pioneering Women DIrectors, Then and Now
This past Saturday night, the Directors Guild of America celebratedthe accomplishments of the Pioneering Women Directors of the DGA. Susan Bay, NellCox, Joelle Dobrow, Dolores Ferraro, Victoria...
DGA Women’s Steering Committee to Celebrate 35th Anniversary on September 20
Since its founding in 1979, the DGA’s Women’s Steering Committee has called attention to the limited opportunities female filmmakers faced — and continue to face — in the film...