Nadine Labaki has been tapped to helm Netflix’s English-language remake of 2018 French dramedy “Les Invisibles.” Titled “The Invisibles,” the feature will mark the...
“Capernaum” is still making waves a year after its world premiere at Cannes Film Festival. The Lebanon-set drama took home the fest’s Jury Prize, and went on to receive an Oscar nod...
In 2018 Nadine Labaki won the Jury Prize at Cannes for “Capernaum,” her third feature film. This year she’ll be returning to the prestigious fest as the President of the Un...
Interview by Zoë Elton Lebanese filmmaker-actor Nadine Labaki’s “Capernaum” (“Chaos”) represents a bold departure from her earlier work, such as “Caramel,”...
A week ahead of its world premiere at Cannes, Nadine Labaki’s “Capernaum” has found a home. Sony Pictures Classics snagged North American and Latin American rights to the drama...
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