#Nzingha Stewart
Trailer Watch: A “Tall Girl” Learns to Stand Tall and Proud
Jodi (Ava Michelle) is 16 years old and six-foot-one-and-a-half. And that about sums up her identity, as far as most of her peers are concerned. A trailer has dropped for “Tall Girl,” a...
Nzingha Stewart to Direct Misty Copeland Biopic “Life in Motion”
Shondaland fixture Nzingha Stewart has been tapped to bring Misty Copeland’s story to the big screen. Stewart will direct New Line’s biopic of the trailblazer, “Life in Motion: An...
Women Direct Lifetime’s 5 Most Popular TV Movies After Network Bets on Female Helmers
Six months ago, Lifetime launched Broad Focus, a major initiative to have more women writing, directing, developing and producing content for the network. It’s too soon to say what kind of impact...
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