Alice Winocour directed her first feature film in 2011, “Augustine.” It was selected for Cannes’ Critics Week and nominated for a César Award for the Best First Film. Her second...
Anaïs Volpé is a self-taught screenwriter, filmmaker, and editor. In 2016, she self-produced “Heis,” a cross-media project which has been screened at international festivals and won the Jury...
Hind Meddeb currently works between Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. Her first film, “Casablanca: One Way Ticket to Paradise,” tells the story of 14 Moroccan suicide bombers who killed...
Films, News, Trailers, Women Directors, Women Writers
A woman travels to Paris with an unusual mission in Fiona Gordon and Dominique Abel’s latest offering, “Lost in Paris.” A U.S. trailer has dropped for the whimsical comedy, which centers on...
Music, News, Theater, Women Directors
The Theatre du Châtelet in Paris has appointed its first female artistic director, The New York Times reports. Ruth Mackenzie will be taking over for Jean-Luc Choplin, who has served as artistic...
Comedy, News, Television
Meg Ryan is coming to the small screen. The three-time Golden Globe nominee has signed on to topline “Picture Paris,” a half-hour comedy series “being eyed by Epix,”...
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