Rachel Feldman’s political thriller about fair pay whistleblower and activist Lilly Ledbetter has found its leading lady. Patricia Clarkson will take on the titular character in...
Meryl Streep has joined Rachel Feldman’s long-in-the-works biopic about fair pay whistleblower and activist Lilly Ledbetter. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the three-time Oscar winner is...
Features, News, Women Directors
At the Oscars on Sunday night,Best Supporting Actress Patricia Arquette used her moment in the spotlight to speak out on the issue ofgender inequity. “It’s our time to have wage equality once...
Lilly Ledbetter has chosen Rachel Feldman to direct a biopic based on her life and her fight for equal pay for women. Ledbetter worked for over two decades in an Alabama Goodyear Factory. After...
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