Seventeen girls attending a boarding school run by nuns face a major dilemma in “Le Pupille.” Billed as a “tale of innocence, greed, and fantasy,” Alice Rohrwacher’s...
Documentary filmmakers are constantly on a journey – a journey to find the next compelling story and remarkable characters, a journey to find the truth in humanity, and, perhaps the most...
As yet another February rolls around, Black media consumers are faced with a choice: Fully embrace the content strategy efforts of major brands in both traditional and social media, or offer those...
This round of crowdfunding explores the stakes of our interconnectivity and the imperatives of creating ethical and accountable intimate relationships. Whether immersing viewers in familial...
When it comes to history, women’s contributions have often been left out of the textbooks, or an event has been told exclusively from the male perspective. Each of this month’s crowdfunding picks...
“It’s different for girls”: a ubiquitous phrase that holds a lot of truth. Things are different for girls. Harder, scarier, and so endlessly frustrating, it might just make someone scream. This...
Home is the place you’re meant to feel most comfortable. For many people, it’s with their families, their belongings, and their own space. But that isn’t always possible, particularly for those...
Surrealism allows the mundane and the exotic to coexist, woven together in a way that creates a new reality unbound by the limitations of our world. It represents a potent force for creativity and...
Imagination, J.K. Rowling shared in her 2008 Harvard Commencement Speech, is “not only the uniquely human capacity to envision that which is not” but also “the power that enables us...
Even as more and more women opt out of having children, the pressure to pursue motherhood remains consistent. Those women who do choose to have kids must grapple with the reality of balancing their...
Though change is an expected and necessary aspect of life, it can often be difficult to embrace and perhaps even harder to initiate. Transitions in jobs and relationships can stir up insecurities and...
The family unit is one of the foundational aspects of our society, so it’s no surprise that familial relationships are constantly explored in movies, books, and television. In some cases, family...
Just last month, Jennifer Lee was named chief creative officer of Walt Disney Animation Studios following the accusations against and exit of former chief John Lasseter. Now, Lee will be one of...
Each of our three web series and VOD picks this month includes a scene with two women walking in nature: friends Isobel and Cam hiking and letting out primal screams in the comedic web series...
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