Jessica Edwards launched Film First in 2010 to produce documentary shorts and feature-length work. Her award-winning debut short, “Seltzer Works,” premiered at SXSW and was broadcast on...
The first feature film charting the evolution of women’s skateboarding from underground activity to Olympic sport is on the way. A press release has announced production on “Skate...
Manjari Makijany is Los Angeles-based writer, director, and producer with diverse film experience in India and the United States. Her journey as a director took off with her critically acclaimed...
“Skating is the best thing that happened to me,” says Rachel Saanchita Gupta in a new trailer for “Skater Girl.” “I feel like I belong. There’s no one to control...
“For a while I was feeling really lonely — that loneliness that you have even in a crowded room. But I don’t feel it anymore,” says Camille (newcomer Rachelle Vinberg) in a...
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