

“Supergirl’s” Melissa Benoist Will Make Her Directorial Debut on the Show

Supergirl herself is soaring into the director’s chair. “Supergirl” star Melissa Benoist is set to make her directorial debut on the CW series, Entertainment Weekly confirms. The...


Quote of the Day: Nicole Maines on Playing TV’s First Trans Superhero in “Supergirl”

“I haven’t really wrapped my head around being a superhero, first of all, and being the first trans superhero on television,” Nicole Maines tells Variety in a new interview. The...


“Supergirl” Movie in Development

Supergirl is already saving lives on the small screen, but it looks like Kara Zor-El will be flying all the way to multiplexes around the world. Warner Bros. and DC are developing a feature based on...


Nicole Maines Joins “Supergirl,” Becomes TV’s First Trans Superhero

“Supergirl” is soaring into the history books. The CW series has cast Nicole Maines in its upcoming fourth season, where she’ll play TV’s first transgender superhero. The...

News, Television

“Supergirl” Saved, “Agent Carter” Cut: The Fate of Female-Led Shows at Major Networks

“Agent Carter”: ABC With May’s up fronts on the horizon, networks are putting shows on the chopping block and calling up orders for new pilots left and right. At ABC in particular, popular...

News, Television

‘Supergirl’ Picked Up for Full Season at CBS

You have a lot more “Supergirl” to look forward to. CBS has ordered an additional seven episodes of the series, bringing Season One from 13 episodes to 20. The Hollywood Reporter notes that,...

News, Television

‘Supergirl’ Ratings Soar in Biggest Fall Premiere of the Year

Looks like the public isn’t suffering superhero fatigue — or maybe they are, and that’s why they’ve embraced a superheroine so warmly. The ratings are in for CBS’s series premiere of...

Films, News, Television

Supergirl Coming to TV

Superheroes haven’t just taken over the multiplex, but the Huluplex too. Debuting this fall are Fox’s Gotham and NBC’s Constantine, which will join CW’s The Flash (in its first season) and...

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