#Superhero Movies
Ivory Aquino Joins “Batgirl” Cast as Alysia Yeoh, the First Trans Character in a Live-Action DC Film
Ivory Aquino is set to make history in Gotham City. The actress, whose credits include “When They See Us,” “Lingua Franca,” and “When We Rise,” is joining the cast...
15 Most Anticipated Films By and About Women of 2020
By Jenna Dorsi and Sophie Willard It’s time to say goodbye to 2019 and hello to a new year full of films by and about women. Women and Hollywood has compiled a helpful guide of 15 of the...
Study: Just 14% of Past Decade’s Sci-Fi and Superhero Films Featured Solo Female Leads
Last year a study from Women’s Media Center (WMC) and BBC America concluded that female representation in superhero and sci-fi stories can have an empowering effect on girls in the real world. This...
Chloé Zhao Will Direct “The Eternals” for Marvel
Chloé Zhao has booked one hell of a follow-up to indie darling “The Rider.” Variety confirms the Cannes award-winning director will next helm “The Eternals” for Marvel. Zhao...
Quote of the Day: Rebecca Hall Says Marvel is “Paying for Their Mistakes”
Earlier this spring, “Iron Man 3” director Shane Black revealed why Rebecca Hall’s character was seriously underutilized in the film, and now Hall has spoken on the subject as well. As Women...