#The Book Thief 3
Actresses Tackle a Difficult Subject in The Book Thief
Hereis a small fact: You are going to die. Witha first line like that in a novel, you know it’s going to be serious. Andimportant. The Book Thief,based on the book by Martin Zusak, opened...
International Trailer Watch: The Book Thief
The Book Thief, based on Marcus Zusak’s bestselling novel, just released an international trailer for the upcoming film. The film follows a young girl Liesel (Sophie Nelisse) who lives in Nazi...
Trailer Watch: The Book Thief
The Book Thief, based on Marcus Zusak’s bestselling novel, follows a young foster girl, Liesel (Sophie Nelisse) living with her foster parents outside Munich during the horrors of WWII. Liesel...
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