#The Fault In Our Stars

Features, News

Quote of the Day: A.O. Scott on the Diminishment of Films About Women

Movies about women make 20% more money than movies about men, but female protagonists continue to disappear from the big screen. Gender in the larger Oscar conversation has largely focused on the...

Box Office, News

Why Young Women Are the Hottest Box Office Demographic

From my latest Forbes post on Hollywood’s curious negligence of young women as a box-office demographic: This weekend proves that women are actually a more reliable audience [than young men]. As I...

Features, News

Crosspost: The Fault in Our Stars: Our Love Affair with Romance and Feminism

Pain demands to be felt. So goes one of the wise lines from John Green’s bestselling novel The Fault in Our Stars. The line is prominently featured in the movie of the same title — and...

News, Trailers, Videos

Trailer Watch: Extended Spot for The Fault in Our Stars

An extended trailer has been released for The Fault in Our Stars, and it goes a long way in translating to a three-minute format one of the chief pleasures of John Green’s YA novel: the book’s...

News, Trailers, Videos

Trailer Watch: The Fault in Our Stars

Is there a way to tell a romance involving a teenage cancer patient that isn’t cheesy, exploitative, or politically regressive? Author John Green certainly tried to find a way with his...

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