“Bumblebee” is a new take on the “Transformers” franchise. Finally, one of these films is watchable — and in fact really enjoyable. Hailee Steinfeld takes the lead and...
“Here’s the deal: People can be terrible about things they don’t understand,” Charlie Watson (Hailee Steinfeld) explains to her impressionable VW bug-turned-Autobot,...
Hailee Steinfeld is switching gears from a cappella to an explosion-ridden blockbuster. The “Pitch Perfect 3” star toplines “Bumblebee,” a spinoff of the...
Films, News, Women Writers
Hailee Steinfeld may be teaming up with an Autobot. The Hollywood Reporter writes that the Oscar-nominated actress is in talks to topline “Bumblebee,” Paramount’s first “Transformers”...
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