“Everlasting” has concluded its final Elimination Ceremony. In a surprise twist fitting for the fictional “Bachelor”-esque series, all eight episodes...
“UnREAL” is relocating for its fourth season. Lifetime’s drama about the behind-the-scenes machinations at a “Bachelor”-esque reality show will get a first-run on Hulu...
Features, News, Television
“UnREAL”: Lifetime The new season of Lifetime’s caustic reality-TV satire “UnREAL” (premiering June 6 at 10 p.m.) kicks everything — and everyone — up a notch. Rachel (Shiri...
News, Television, Trailers
We’ve all long suspected that reality dating shows like “The Bachelor” wallow in sexism and manipulation. But Lifetime’s scripted series “UnREAL” came along last summer and proved our...
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