#Whitney Houston 2

News, Television, Videos

Trailer Watch: Angela Bassett Directs Yaya DaCosta in Whitney Houston Biopic for Lifetime

I’ll say this for Lifetime: The cable network may draw little in the way of “prestige” attention, but it’s at least making mainstream, widely available movies about women of color like...

News, Television

Yaya DaCosta Alafia to Play Whitney Houston in Lifetime Biopic

If you watched the third (and best) season of America’s Next Top Model, you’ve probably also been following runner-up Yaya DaCosta Alafia’s subsequent acting career with some interest. Alafia,...

News, Television, Women Directors

TV: Angela Bassett to Direct Lifetime Movie About Whitney Houston

Lifetime has greenlit a movie about Whitney Houston, with the late singer’s Waiting to Exhale co-star Angela Bassett to direct. Whitney Houston will focus on the R&B diva’s troubled...

News, Videos

Sparkle on Nightline

Producer Debra Martin Chase and star Jordin Sparks talked to Deborah Roberts about Whitney Houston’s last film Sparkle which is opening on Friday. Martin Chase and Houston were producing partners...

News, Videos, Women Producers

New Trailer for Sparkle written by Mara Brock Akil

Film hits screens on August 17th. MTVNPlayer Get More: Movie Trailers, Movies Blog New ‘Sparkle’ trailer features Cee Lo Green, Whitney Houston (EW)

News, Trailers, Videos

Trailer Watch: Sparkle

Watching this made me sad about Whitney Houston all over again. Opens August 10. Yahoo! Video Player

News, Women Executives

A Studio Run By Women

Elizabeth Gabler just renewed her contract as the President of Fox 2000. This is the studio which is under the main Fox studio focuses on films targeted at the female audience. Its nickname is...

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