#Women’s Media Center
Women Represent Only 35 Percent of Non-Acting Emmy Nominees, New WMC Report Finds
The good news: more women received non-acting Emmy nominations in 2020 than in 2019. The bad news: gender parity is still a long way off. According to a new report from the Women’s Media Center...
Study: Just 14% of Past Decade’s Sci-Fi and Superhero Films Featured Solo Female Leads
Last year a study from Women’s Media Center (WMC) and BBC America concluded that female representation in superhero and sci-fi stories can have an empowering effect on girls in the real world. This...
Study: Women Represent 25 Percent of Non-Acting 2019 Oscar Nominees
Another year, another Oscars ceremony dominated by male nominees. The Women’s Media Center (WMC) has released its annual study of gender representation among the non-acting Academy Award...
BBC America & Women’s Media Center Team Up to Increase Women’s Onscreen Representation
BBC America and Women’s Media Center (WMC) are working together to improve the media’s depictions of women. A press release has announced that the TV network and the feminist organization...