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Trailer Watch: Krysten Ritter is an Anti-(Super)Heroine in ‘Marvel’s Jessica Jones’

A full trailer for “Marvel’s Jessica Jones” has landed, and it begins with the eponymous character telling us, “A big part of the job is looking for the worst in people. Turns out I excel at that.”

Jessica Jones (Krysten Ritter, “Big Eyes,” “Don’t Trust the B — — in Apartment 23”) isn’t exactly the kind of superhero most parents want their kids to dress up as on Halloween. She’s not the optimistic sort who defends humanity despite all of the evil she encounters. Rather, she’s very much bogged down by that evil and has taken to drinking as a form of self-medication. She works as a P.I. because “booze costs money.”

Jessica’s superpowers are undeniable, but so is her cynicism. And who can fault her for so readily recognizing the worst in people, especially when her powers have been used against her will? Kilgrave, another super-inclined individual, used mind control to make Jessica commit horrific crimes that she can’t forgive herself for. And now, after a long absence, he’s back.

The footage leads us to suspect that “Jessica Jones” is darker and more morally ambiguous than most Marvel fare, a reading confirmed by Vulture’s review of the first episode, which screened at New York Comic Con. Vulture described the episode as “shockingly and refreshingly honest in its depiction of sex and sexuality” — not exactly what we’ve come to expect from the comic-book behemoth (especially compared to how sexually toothless “Daredevil” is). Rumor has it that we even see Jessica have empowered sex doggy-style, which, sadly enough, is still rather innovative for a female-driven TV series in 2015. Now seems like a good time to note that the psychological thriller has a female showrunner behind it — Melissa Rosenberg (“Dexter,” “The O.C.”).

Less than a month remains until the first season of “Marvel’s Jessica Jones” is released on Netflix. You can catch all of the episodes starting November 20. Carrie-Anne Moss (“The Matrix”) costars.

Watch: “Rogue One” Clips Tease More of the Latest “Star Wars” Heroine

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Watch: A Female Comedian’s Looks Are Torn Apart by “The Focus Group”

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Trailer Watch: The King and the President Cross Paths in Liza Johnson’s ‘Elvis & Nixon’

It takes a lot of chutzpah to send the President of the United States a letter that reads, “I can and will do more good if I am made a Federal Agent at large” — especially when such a...

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