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Trailer Watch: Quvenzhane Wallis Anoints Herself Robin to Jamie Foxx’s Batman in New Annie Spot

Though he just starred as a villain in the new Spider-Man sequel, Jamie Foxx styles himself as a hero — namely, Batman — in the new Annie trailer. “This city needs me,” declares his millionaire mayoral candidate character, Benjamin Stacks.

“Alright, take it easy, Batman,” says his assistant (Rose Byrne), who can’t help rolling her eyes.

Benjamin does end up saving one citizen — alas, not yet of voting age — in Annie (Quvenzhane Wallis), an irrepressibly optimistic but also rather shrewd orphan who weasels herself into his cavernous penthouse apartment. If the two feign an adoption, Annie suggests, she’ll give his candidacy a softer edge, while affording her the time to worm her way into his heart — and away from her grouchy foster mother (Cameron Diaz).

Switching tacks from the earlier, very musical trailer to lean more on the film’s gags — there are several good ones about hair — the new video adds some grown-up romantic tension between Foxx and Byrne while arguing that a family is what make it.

Annie will be out December 19.

Watch: “Rogue One” Clips Tease More of the Latest “Star Wars” Heroine

In anticipation of the arrival of our next “Star Wars” heroine, some new clips and featurettes from “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” have been released. Hitting theaters on December 16,...

Watch: A Female Comedian’s Looks Are Torn Apart by “The Focus Group”

Comedian Sara Benincasa has dreamed up hilarious and horrifying nightmare fodder. Imagine having your style and body mercilessly evaluated by a focus group while in a state of undress. Now witness...

Trailer Watch: The King and the President Cross Paths in Liza Johnson’s ‘Elvis & Nixon’

It takes a lot of chutzpah to send the President of the United States a letter that reads, “I can and will do more good if I am made a Federal Agent at large” — especially when such a...

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