Fans of retro horror comedies are in for a delightful blast from the past with Anna Biller’s “The Love Witch.” A newly released NSFW trailer for the film introduces Elaine (Samantha Robinson), a woman who declares, “What I’m really interested in is love.” But her preoccupation is far from harmless. “You might say I’m addicted to love,” she admits. And Elaine is no ordinary woman — she’s a witch who uses spells to help feed her addiction.
The Love Witch’s magic leaves many victims in her wake, and the official synopsis warns that “when she finally meets the man of her dreams, her desperation to be loved will drive her to the brink of insanity and murder.”
Check out the technicolor trailer below, which offers a fresh take on sexploitation films from the ’60s and ’70s. “The Love Witch” premiered at the Rotterdam Film Festival earlier this year to glowing reviews. The film opens in theaters November 11 and seems bound to achieve cult classic status.