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Trailers for NBC’s New Women-Centric Series: Bad Judge, State of Affairs, and The Mysteries of Laura

Las week we told you about some of the women-centric pilots that have been picked up, and now we can share some footage from the series. NBC has released trailers for Bad Judge, State of Affairs, and The Mysteries of Laura. All three of the trailers depict the complicated relationship between the protagonist’s personal life and work life.

Bad Judge is a comedy that stars Kate Walsh (Private Practice, Grey’s Anatomy) as Rebecca, a judge who goes to court hungover and eats wine and cake for breakfast — that is to say, she’s not the kind of judge we are used to seeing in television and movies. She seems like a likelier candidate to appear before a judge than to sentence other people. The trailer shows Rebecca both in and out of the courtroom, having sex in her chambers, and being reintroduced to a young boy whose parents she sent to jail. The trailer indicates that she will develop a close relationship with the boy, which will complicate her hard partying lifestyle. Bad Judge is based on an idea from Anne Heche.

State of Affairs stars former Katherine Heigl (Grey’s Anatomy, 27 Dresses, Knocked Up) as CIA analyst Charlie Whitney Tucker. Charlie explains, “I’m a total slob in my personal life, total sniper in my professional one.” Her personal life is in disarray after her fiance — the President’s son — is killed by terrorists. We see that his death also affects her professional life; Charlie is hellbent on finding every person involved in his death and having them killed. Think soapy network version of Homeland. Tucker’s relationship with the President, Roberta Payton, her would-be mother-in-law, seems like it’ll be a focal point of the series. President Payton is played by Alfre Woodard (12 Years a Slave).

The Mysteries of Laura stars Debra Messing (Smash, Will & Grace) as Detective Laura Diamond, a woman who has far more success controlling gun-wielding criminals than her twin sons. When Laura enters a room that is covered from top to bottom in a red substance, we assume that it’s a crime scene full of blood. Her reaction seems to confirm this assumption: she says, “This is a depraved, unthinkable act.” In reality, she’s walking into an unbelievably messy room and is talking to her two boys. The trailer shows Laura struggling to balance solving cases, parenthood, and her relationship with her husband.

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