
Women and Hollywood Founder Melissa Silverstein to Participate in Historic Event at Cannes

Saturday May 12th on the 6:30 pm red carpet event, 82 international key women players of the film industry — directors, crew members, actresses, producers, screenwriters, sales agents, distributors, talent agents, editors — climb the steps of the Cannes Festival. Why 82 women? Since the Cannes Festival was created, only 82 films directed by women were honored by an official selection in competition. Meanwhile, 1,645 films directed by men were selected.

The women climb the stairs and stop halfway. They face the Palais, motionless, silent, in solidarity, showing how hard it still is to climb the social and professional ladder. Among them, Cate Blanchett and Agnès Varda read a collective statement. This text will be available online at 7pm on May 12th.

The protesters include Jane Fonda, Agnès Varda, Patty Jenkins, Kristen Stewart, Salma Hayek, Ava DuVernay, and Women and Hollywood Founder and Publisher Melissa Silverstein.

Check out all 82 protesters below.

Agathe Valentin Vendeuse International / International Sales
Agnès Varda Réalisatrice / Director
Agniezka Smoczynska Réalisatrice / Director
Alba Rohrwacher Réalisatrice /Director
Alexandra Henochsberg Distributrice, Productrice / Distributor, Producer
Alice Rohrwacher Réalisatrice / Director
Andréa Bescond Réalisatrice / Director
Anja Kofmel Réalisatrice / Director
Anna Mouglalis Actrice / Actress
Anna Ciennik Directrice de Production / Festival Industry Manager
Anne Lai Productrice / Producer
Anne Berest Scénariste / Scriptwriter
Annemarie Jacir Réalisatrice / Director
Ariane Ascaride Actrice / Actress
Ava DuVernay Réalisatrice / Director
Beatriz Seigner Réalisatrice / Director
Bénédicte Couvreur Productrice / Producer
Bérénice Vincent Vendeuse Internationale / Sales Agent
Carole Scotta Productrice, Distributrice / Producer, Distributor
Caroline Benjo Productrice, Distributrice / Producer, Distributor
Caroline Bonmarchand Productrice / Producer
Cécile Cassel Actrice / Actress
Cécile Aubert Assistante de Production / Assistant Producer
Céline Salette Actrice / Actress
Céline Sciamma Réalisatrice, Scénariste / Director, Scriptwriter
Claudia Cardinale Actrice / Actress
Clémence Poésy Actrice / Actress
Clotilde Courau Actrice / Actress
Cristina Gallego Réalisatrice / Director
Daniela Elstner Vendeuse Internationale / Sales Agent
Déborah François Actrice / Actress
Delphyne Besse Vendeuse Internationale / Sales Agent
Diana Elbaum Productrice / Producer
Dina Emam Productrice / Producer
Elisabeth Tanner Agent Artistique / Talent Agent
Elisabeth Perez Productrice / Productrice
Eva Sangiorgi Programmatrice / Programmer
Géraldine Pailhas Actrice / Actress
Ginevra Elkann Productrice / Producer
Haifaa Al Mansour Réalisatrice / Director
Houda Benyamina Réalisatrice / Director
Hylda Queally Agent Artistique / Talent Agent
Iris Brey Journaliste / Journalist
Isabel Mercier Productrice / Producer
Jane Fonda Actrice / Actress
Jasmine Trinca Actrice / Actress
Jeanne Lapoirie Directrice de la Photographie / Cinematographer
Judith Nora Productrice / Producer
Julie Huntsinger Productrice / Producer
Julie Gayet Productrice, Actrice / Producer, Actress
Julie Billy Productrice / Producer
Julie Bertucelli Réalisatrice / Director
Keleigh Thomas Morgan Agent Artistique / Talent Agent
Khadja Nin Musienne, Chanteuse / Musician, Singer
Kim Longinotto Réalisatrice / Director
Kiska Higgs Productrice / Producer
Kirsten Stewart Actrice / Actress
Laure Parleani Vendeuse internationale / Sales Agent
Laurence Lascary Productrice / Producer
Léa Seydoux Actrice / Actress
Leïla Bekhti Actrice / Actress
Lisa Azuelos Réalisatrice, Productrice / Director, Producer
Lolita Chammah Actrice / Actress
Maha Dakhil Agent Artistique / Talent Agent
Mariana Ximenes Actrice / Actress
Marianne Slot Productrice / Producer
Marie Masmonteil Productrice / Producer
Marie Monge Réalisatrice / Director
Marie Amachoukeli Réalisatrice, Scénariste / Director, Scriptwriter
Marie-Ange Luciani Productrice / Producer
Marie-Pierre Macia Productrice / Producer
Marion Cotillard Actrice / Actress
Marion Tharaud Distributrice / Distributor
Marleyda Soto Actrice / Actress
Melissa Silverstein Journaliste / Journalist
Mélita Toscan du Plantier Productrice / Producer
Meryem Benm’Barek Réalisatrice / Director
Michèle Halberstadt Productrice, Distributrice / Producer, Distributor
Nandita Das Réalisatrice / Director
Naomi Denamur Responsable Acquisitions / Acquisition Manager
Patty Jenkins Réalisatrice / Director
Pauline Gygax Productrice / Producer
Priscilla Bertin Productrice / Producer
Rasika Dugal Actrice / Actress
Rebecca Zlotowski Réalisatrice, Scénariste / Director, Scriptwriter
Rohena Gera Réalisatrice / Director
Rosalie Varda Costumière, Productrice / Costume Designer, Producer
Salma Hayek Actrice, Productrice / Actress, Producer
Sandrine Brauer Productrice / Producer
Sofia Boutella Actrice / Actress
Sophie Reine Chef Monteuse / Editor
Sophie Mas Productrice / Producer
Stacey Martin Actrice / Actress
Tonie Marshall Réalisatrice / Director
Ursula Meier Réalisatrice / Director
Valentina Novati Productrice, Distributrice / Producer, Distributor
Valérie Donzelli Réalisatrice, Productrice, Actrice / Director, Producer, Actress
Vanessa Filho Réalisatrice / Director
Virginie Ledoyen Actrice / Actress
Wanuri Kahiu Réalisatrice / Director
Zabou Breitman Réalisatrice, Actrice / Director, Actress

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