Events, Films, News, Television

You’re Invited! USC Annenberg Hosts Diversifying Entertainment Event

Join Women and Hollywood founder and publisher Melissa Silverstein at “Transforming Hollywood 7: Diversifying Entertainment.” The all-day public event is being held on October 21 from 9 a.m. until 7:30 p.m. at the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, Annenberg Auditorium.

The event will address diversity and inclusion in front of and behind the camera. “As with previous Transforming Hollywood conferences, we want to focus our attention on where change is taking place, bringing together key thinkers from industry, academia, and the public sphere, who can help us to make sense of those changes,” a description of the event notes. Diversifying Entertainment will further the conversation about issues including gender and race in entertainment across media such as TV, film, and comics.

Women and Hollywood’s Melissa Silverstein will take part in Panel 4, titled How do We Move from Stereotypes to More Complex Characters?

As the the event materials detail, “It is not enough to put diverse faces in front of the camera: we need to depict those characters with nuance and complexity, in ways that audiences will recognize from their own lives, in ways that inspire their imaginations.” The panel will explore what role producers, writers, and actors play in crafting these stories and characters.

The panel will be moderated by Variety TV Critic Maureen Ryan and will also include producer and director Effie Brown (“Dear White People,” “Project Greenlight”), among others.

For the entire schedule of panels and to buy tickets for the event, head to USC Annenberg’s event page.

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