
DOC NYC 2018 Women Directors: Meet Benedetta Argentieri – “I Am the Revolution”

"I Am the Revolution"

Benedetta Argentieri is an independent journalist and director who has been covering the Iraqi and Syrian war since 2014. She produced “Capulcu-Voices from Gezi,” a documentary about the revolt that occurred in Gezi Park in Istanbul, Turkey. In 2016 she co-directed “Our War,” a documentary about foreigners joining the Kurds in Syria to fight the Islamic State. The film was selected at the 73rd Venice Film Festival, in the out of competition section.

“I Am The Revolution” premiered at the 2018 DOC NYC film festival on November 15.

W&H: Describe the film for us in your own words.

BA: “I Am The Revolution” shows three women pushing for gender equality and human rights where you least expect it: war. It is shot in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan by an all-women crew.

W&H: What drew you to this story?

BA: As a reporter, I traveled in those countries for years and I realized that women were always described as victims, but there was another reality on the ground. I wanted to challenge the stereotype of the veiled and abused woman, and show another side of the story.

W&H: What do you want people to think about when they are leaving the theater?

BA: We want people to acknowledge these movements in the Middle East, and be inspired by the strength of these women. We hope it inspires people to question the stereotypes they have bought into about other cultures and communities, and also realize that if these women can fight back while living in war zones, then change is possible in their own communities.

There is still so much inequality in Western countries, including restrictions on abortion, the gender pay gap, and the disproportionate number of men in positions of political and corporate power — these are issues that women and men must actively confront and work to change.

W&H: What was the biggest challenge in making the film?

BA: Access. We shot in countries that are at war, and where Westerners are a target. To get to Syria we had to walk for seven hours, at night, while Turkey was bombing the area. We had to carry our equipment.

In Afghanistan, we had to be very careful, and change clothes and disguise ourselves several times a day. In Baghdad, Iraq, we couldn’t shoot for more than 20 minutes outside, as we had to be careful not to draw too much attention.  

W&H: How did you get your film funded? Share some insights into how you got the film made.

BA: This is an independent film, though we received funding from RAI CINEMA, the Italian broadcaster and production company. I am very grateful to them since they believed in the project from the beginning.

W&H: What inspired you to become a filmmaker?

BA: I was always drawn to the power of images and what they can convey to the general public.  When people see images from different countries and cultures, it can open their hearts and minds in a way that is different from just hearing these stories on the radio or in print.

W&H: What’s the best and worst advice you’ve received?

BA: The best advice was to believe in myself and my instincts.

The worst was to settle for less than I hoped for my project.

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