Films, News, Women Writers

2018 Writers Lab for Women Screenwriters Over 40 Now Accepting Submissions

2017 Writers Lab participant Vigil Chime: Oscars/YouTube

If you know or are a female screenwriter over age 40, this is for you: The Writers Lab’s 2018 program is accepting submissions. Produced by IRIS and New York Women In Film & Television (NYWIFT) and funded once again by Meryl Streep, The Lab is “part of the movement to amplify the female voice in narrative film.”

According to a press release, The Lab will consist of a four-day script development retreat for narrative features, including one-on-one mentorship for participants, panel discussions, and peer groups. It will be held at Wiawaka on Lake George, NY from September 25–29, 2018.

Applicants must identify as female and must have been born on or before February 28, 1978 in order to be considered. Submitted scripts must be full-length narrative screenplays written in English. Scripts penned by multiple writers are allowed, but only one writer can attend The Lab.

Past Writers Lab mentors include Jessica Bendinger (“Bring It On”), Lisa Cortes (“Precious”), Amy Fox (“Equity”), Meg LeFauve (“Inside Out”), Gina Prince-Bythewood (“Love & Basketball”), Mary Jane Skalski “(Win Win”), and Ligiah Villalobos (“Under the Same Moon”).

The deadline to submit is Wednesday, February 28, 2018 at 11:59 pm EST. Applications should include a PDF of the script, a logline and genre, and the writer’s basic contact and biographical information. There is a submission fee of $55. For members of NYWIFT, other WIF chapters, and/or WGA the fee is $35.

For more information go to The Writers Lab FAQ page. You can also email questions to Applications can be submitted here.

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