
25 Year Old Amanda Seyfried Told She Needs Botox

Amanda Seyfried underwhelmed at the box office this weekend with Red Riding Hood. It took in 14 million and came in third at the box office. Seyfried revealed in an interview with Elle Magazine that she was told be “her people” that she needed to botox her face.

My god, the woman is 25! She’s spectacular looking and does not need anything on her face. I also say that if this is how “your people” are thinking about your career (remember botox is poison) maybe you need new people watching out for you.

Here was her response to the news:

I was like, Damn you! But we’re in Hollywood. I’m on a huge screen. With these new digital cameras, you can see the peach fuzz on my face.

Who cares if you can see the peach fuzz. Why don’t you follow in your Mamma Mia co-star Meryl Streep’s footsteps. Don’t do it.

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