One of my favorite EW issues is about to hit my mailbox — the fall film preview issue. Yum. Can’t wait to take a more in-depth look at all the films coming down the pike this fall. One of the most anticipated is of course The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.
EW was able to speak with Rooney Mara (and check out the new phot) about the controversial teaser poster and, not surprisingly, she defends it just like Daniel Craig did. He said he liked the poster because Rooney looked great. She says she likes the poster because “people have a hard time with strong females and with nudity.”
She continues:
But I think had I been doing something incredibly violent on the poster, people wouldn’t have had a problem with it. That sort of says a lot about the world that we live in. It’s just a teaser poster. I think it did just that. It teased people.
Here we go again.
I am not a person who has a problem with strong females EVER. My problem with the poster is not so much the fact that there is a breast on it — but that it is Lisbeth Salander’s breast that is exposed. It’s about the character for me and not about not wanting to see strong images of women.
I am not sure I agree with her about the comment on how we would tolerate violence on the poster and not sexuality. Women are sexualized on posters all the time. I for one would totally be down with an image of her kicking ass. But, Hollywood would never put out a poster of a woman kicking ass. That would send the guys running for the hills and so that wold be a pretty poor marketing decision. But she right on one aspect, the poster is a big tease and it did get people talking and the talking continues.
I still stand by my initial reaction.
Girl With the Dragon Tattoo’ star Rooney Mara talks about the rape scene, the NSFW poster, and more (EW)