I could not love this young woman anymore. Everything I’ve seen her in has been fantastic. If you haven’t seen her debut in My Summer of Love you are missing something.
She’s been on the junket circuit with Matt Damon talking about The Adjustment Bureau which opens today and she gave some quotes about the type of movies she picks.
Here’s what she said in a Daily Beast interview:
“A lot of people have this idea that I’m defiantly not trying to do a superhero movie,” says Blunt. “I’m not standing at the sidelines, cheering to do one. It’s not really my speed. But at the same time, it depends on the role. If it’s just the girlfriend part in a superhero movie, I don’t want to do it. That’s of no interest to me.”
Blunt and Matt Damon also talked about the different types of roles available to men and women. I can’t embed it but you can see the piece here. The interesting stuff starts at 1:30.
Here’s a transcription (It was hard to get it exactly but you get the gist of it.)
Emily Blunt: You have to be a little tasty in the fight if you are a girl in Hollywood.
Matt Damon: It’s just different for men and women. Literally different.
EB: For me it’s harder to find those great roles because often you are the reactionary part to te male role and I don’t really have any interest in playing that anymore — the girlfriend role. No interest.
MD: There are fewer great roles for women.
EB: And It’s competitive when they come up.
MD: And when they come up it’s lie the who’s who…the limited inventory makes it obviously super competitive.
How cool are those two?
h/t Anna-Maria Murphy