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AFI Picks Top TV Shows and Films of the Year

This list reminds me that even though they have been upteen articles about how women are making great strides, there is still such a long way to go, because as I look at the lists I notice that there are very few female directors and creators.

On the film list there are several films about women, The Help, Bridesmaids and The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo but aside from Kristen Wiig and Annie Mumolo none of the others were written by women and none were directed by women.

And on the TV front, we’ve got The Good Wife and Homeland and Parks and Recreation which have women as central characters but correct me if I am wrong, only The Good Wife has a female creator and showrunner in Michelle King.

AFI Top Ten Films of the Year: “Bridesmaids,” “The Descendants,” “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo,” “The Help,” “Hugo,” “J. Edgar,” “Midnight in Paris,” “Moneyball,” “The Tree of Life” and “War Horse.”

AFI TV programs of the year: “Breaking Bad,” “Boardwalk Empire,” “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” “Game of Thrones,” “The Good Wife,” “Homeland,” “Justified,” “Louie,” “Modern Family” and “Parks and Recreation.”

‘Bridesmaids,’ ‘Tree of Life,’ ‘Hugo’ in AFI’s top 10 films of 2011 (LA Times)

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