News, Women Writers

Carey Mulligan and Meryl Streep’s ‘Suffragette’ Gets Awards-Friendly Oct. 23 Release Date

“Suffragette” has received an awards-friendly US release date of October 23.

Starring Carey Mulligan with Helena Bonham Carter, Meryl Streep, and Anne-Marie Duff in supporting roles, the drama focuses on the early-twentieth-century battle to win the vote for British women. It will be released on September 11 in the UK.

Mulligan will play Maud, a working wife and mother who decides to join a feminist group galvanized into taking greater and greater risks in the face of aggressive police reaction to the fight for women’s rights. Directed by Sarah Gavron and written by Emmy winner Abi Morgan, the film will be distributed by Focus Features in North America.

Peter Schlessel, CEO of Focus Features, said, “’Suffragette’ is a story that will resonate with men and women across the generations; it is about parents and children, courage and dedication, and making hard choices. Sarah, Abi, [and producers] Alison [Owen] and Faye [Ward] are women who represent an amazing convergence of filmmaking talent.”

[via THR]

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